Sunday, June 29, 2008

One Week Old...and Kookie the Dirty Diaper Detective

Kalea is one week old, sleeping like an angel...

Amazingly, we discovered Kookie has an uncanny ability to inform us when Kalea's diaper is dirty. When she starts crying and Kookie starts whining, we realized he was telling us the diaper was wet! What a good boy!!!

With Uncle Ken,

Grandma and Great-Grandma...Kalea is the 8th great grandchild

Hanging with Grandpa...


Mommy Liz said...

I LOVE IT! A new post! I've been secretly waiting and waiting. I love the new pics. She's changing so much already! :) Still as gorgeous as ever.....

Daddy Alex said...

She's got Nate's sleepy eyes! Love the rice bowl haircut!